
Planning to relocate to the Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina area?

Let us help make your move stress-free with a range of concierge services, from helping you find the perfect neighborhood, connecting you with trusted moving companies, setting up utilities, school resources, locating local amenities, and everything in between, we’ve got you covered! Our mission is to ensure that every client transitions smoothly from city to city.

From the moment we get the call, to the moment we give you the keys, our platinum-level service and real estate savviness reinforces why we’re the #1 relocation company being talked about in locker rooms and front offices across the country. Let us handle the details so you can focus on being inspired by what happens next!



Davis and Main Relocation agents have been responsible for over $30 million in real estate transactions in just the past year. Each of us is an expert in our local market, with the experience and connections necessary to make the buying, selling or leasing process smooth and quick


Get your head in the game… not the moving van. We arrange every aspect of your transition, from packing & unpacking to shipping, storage, car transport, change of address and even pet transport. Your new start in a new city should be exciting, not a hassle.


Consider us relocation sommeliers. A new hometown means finding new trainers, doctors, nutritionist, financial advisors, decorators, housekeepers. chefs, stylists and limo services. You may not even know where to start… but we already know the best.


We love this area and we love our team… and you’re one of us now. We’re almost as excited to have you as you are to be here. Let us show you the sights and get you acquinted as only we can, from restaurant recommendations to full-day area tours.

From Our Clients Testimonials